Sunday, March 8, 2009


Electrician Quits Working on Abortion Center Repairs After Pro-Life Pressure
by Steven Ertelt Editor

February 17
, 2009

Bellevue, NE ( -- A local electrician has quit working on repairs to a late-term abortion business outside of Omaha following pressure from pro-life advocates. The worker was repairing the abortion business run by late-term abortion practitioner LeRoy Carhart that was recently burned in an accidental fire.

The Nebraska-based center is one of the few in the nation to do late-term abortions and Carhart's name became famous when the Supreme Court ruled for him against a partial-birth abortion ban.

The unnamed electrician made the decision to quit assisting with repairs and cancel his contract after he was informed that abortions took place at the run-down medical office.

The electrician initially resisted efforts and said he had nothing to do with an abortion business, but after being told that the basement containing medical records he was working on was part of Carhart's abortion business, he quit immediately.

"He said he considered himself a good Catholic and didn't want to be an accessory to an abortion clinic," local pro-life advocate Larry Donlan explained.

Troy Newman, the president of Operation Rescue, which monitors abortion practitioners, applauded the good news and told that the results of campaigns designed to protest the collaboration between construction workers and abortion centers work.

"Once people understand that their work is helping the abortion industry, they often want nothing more to do with it," he said. "It's a legal principle as well as a Biblical one. Those who aid and abet share in the guilt."

Although the electrician has stopped work, Newman's group continues to call on pro-life advocates to contact NBD International, an Ohio-based fire restoration company that is currently heading up the damage repair.

Newman tells that the reconstruction is going slowly, but it could stop altogether if pro-life advocates contact NBD and ask it to stop work on the facility.

"It is unknown when Carhart's abortion mill will be reopened, but judging from the photos, it will not be any time soon, and maybe never if NBD International stops construction," Newman said.

"Operation Rescue calls on NDB International to immediately halt repairs on the Carhart clinic in the interest of saving lives," he added. "Please contact them and ask them to stop collaborating with the abortion industry."

ACTION: Contact NBD International at 1-800-929-3398 and ask the company to stop work rebuilding the Carhart abortion business in Nebraska. You can also send an email message by going to


You may wonder, what do remote material cooperation in evil and formal cooperation in evil mean? How do these traditional, theological terms and concepts relate to the above story? How do they relate to our moral responsibilities in the voting booth? Are our responsibilities always easily understood and easily practiced?

Follow these links for more information:

Ioannes Paulus PP. II
Evangelium vitae

Vatican dismay: Memo on politicians touches nerve in U.S. campaign

Pope John Paul II, John Courtney Murray, and the Relationship Between Civil Law and Moral Law: A Constructive Proposal for Contemporary American Pluralism

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